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 among the major tasks before us none is of greater -importance for our strength and stability than the task of building up the unity and solidarity of our people. our country often stood like a solid rock in the face of common danger and there is a deep underlying unity which runs like a golden thread through all our seeming diversity. there have been occasions when unfortunate and disturbing divisions,some of them accompanied by violence, have appeared in our society.

political democracy and the way it has functioned in our country is surely  a great achievement here again we owe an immeasurable debt to shri J L nehruji for his deep attachment to democracy as a form of government and as a way of life . there is something in our older cultural  heritage  too. I have particularly  in view that enduring strength in Indian life which can best be described as respect for human personality and the spirit of tolerance .I have no doubt in my mind that it is only by methods of persuasion and mutual accommodation and by a constant search for areas of agreement as the basis for action ,that democracy and work . It is in  this spirit that I shall devote myself to the duties and responsibilities of the office I have been called upon to fill.

desert i


Passage / Solved paper- 2018 / new St. Mery English School

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 Passage - 1

 Our voyage was very prosperous, but I shall not trouble the reader with a journal of it. The captain called in at one or two ports and sent in his long-boat for provisions and fresh water, but I never went out of the ship still we came into the downs, which was on the third day of june, 1706, about nine months after my escape. I offered to leave my goods in security for payment of my freight, but the captain protested he would not receive one farthing. We took kind leave of each other, and I made him promise that he would come to see me at my house in Redriff. I hired a house and a guide for five shillings which I borrowed from the captain.

1.When the writer uses the word 'prosperous' to describe the voyage, he means that

(a) it made him rich

(b) it made him healthy 

(c) it was very pleasant

(d) it was uneventful

2. On the voyage, the author

(a) left the ship at intervals

(b) was not able to leave the sheep because it did not stop

(c) never left the ship at all

(d) never left the ship till they came into the Downs

3.In the context of the passage, the word 'provisions' means

(a) mainly food

(b) mainly security

(c) money

(d) mainly ammunition

4.For the payment of the author's freight the captain

(a) kept his goods as security

(b) refused to accept any mony

(c) protested against being paid only a farthing

(d) accepted a sum of money

5. From the passage, it is clear that the captain's attitude to the author was 

(a) one of hostility

(b) one of indifference

(c) One of extreme frendliness and kidness

(d) one of disgust and irritation

1:- voyage - यात्रा

2:- prosperous - खुशहाल

3:- trouble - परेशान करना

4:- journal - बही खाता

5:- captain - कप्तान

6:- ports - बंदरगाह

7:- provision - खाद्य आपूर्ति

8:- downs - अंतिम छन

9:- still - फिर भी

10:- escape - भाग जाना

11:- offer - पेश करना

12:- security - सुरक्षा

13:- payment - भुगतान

14:- fright - भाड़ा

15:- protested - विरोध

16:- farthing - दमड़ी

17:- leave - छोड़ना

18:- promise - वादा

19:- hire - भाड़े पर लेना

20:- guide - संचालन करना

21:- shilling - ब्रिटिश का सिक्का

22:- uneventful - शांत

23:- borrow - उधार लेना

24:- context - संदर्भ

25:- ammunition - गोला बारूद

26:- hostility - शत्रुता

27:- indifference - उपेक्षा

28:- disgust - घृणा

29:- irritation - चिढ़

 Passage -2

A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: " TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE". They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After the friend recovered from the near drowning, He wrote on a stone:" TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE". The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "After i hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now, you write on a stone. Why?" The other friend replied: "When someone hurts us, We should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, When someone does something good for us, We must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."

1. Why did the friend who got hurt write on the sand?

(a) Because he was very kind-hearted

(b) Because he was too weak to take revenge

(c) Because he knew that his feeling of hurt was temporary

(d) Because he loved his friend too much

2. What is an oasis?

(a) An oasis is a tall tree found in a desert

(b) An oasis is a water body found in a desert

(c) An oasis is a creature like centipede

(d) An oasis is a grassland

3.What did one of the friends do after recovering from the near drowning?

(a) He rebuked his friend.

(b) He avenged by slapping his friend in his face.

(c) He wrote something on sand in his praise

(d) He wrote something about his friend to express his gratitude

4.What does writing on the stone suggest?

(a) Writing something on stone means expressing one's love another

(b) Writing on stone means writing something with an intention to make it last forever.

(c) Writing something on stone means expressing one's extreme anger

(d)Writing something on stone means writing something with a view to preaching one and all.

5. What is synonym of the word 'engrave' as used in the passage?

(a) dislodge

(b) neglect

(c) aid

(d) inscribe




 Passage -3

I woke up one august morning in a warm sweat. I ran to the refrigerator to get a cold drink, but the refrigerator was broken and all the drinks were as hot as me. I walked over to my electric fan, but it wasn't working either. I then turned on the television and finally realized that the electricity in my house was out. latter that day, I went to the pool to cool off. I dived right in! I swam eight laps before i got tired. My friend lucy then bought me an Icecream cone. I got a vanilla icecream cone with rainbow sprinkles. Even though it was really hot, i did have a lot of fun.

1. What did the narrator want from the refrigerator?

(a) a ham sandwich

(b) a fan

(c) a drink

(d) an apple

2. Why does the electric fan not work?

(a) it was broken

(b) it needed batteries

(c) the power was out

(d)it wasn't oiled

3. How many laps did it take for the narrator to tire of the pool?

(a) two

(b) four

(c) six

(d) eight

4. Who bought the narrator an icecream cone?

(a) Lucy

(b) Sam

(c) Peter

(d) Prince

5. What was the flavour of the ice-cream?

(a) rainbow

(b) vanilla

(c) chocolate

(d) strawberry


 Passage -4

Once upon a time i went for a week's holiday in the continent with an Indian friend. We both enjoyed ourselves and were sorry when the week was over, but on parting our behaviour was absolutely different. He was plunged in despair. He felt that because the holiday was over all happiness was over until the world ended. He could not express his sorrow too much, but in me the english man came out strong. I could not see what there was to make a fuss about. It was not as if we were parting forever or dying 'buck up', I said, 'do buck up'. He refused to buck up, and i left him plunged in gloom.


1. What is the Contiment in the context of the passage?

(a) An island

(b) the countryside

(c) African safari

(d) Europe

2. What does the author mean by 'buck up'?

(a) Buckle yourself up

(b) Stand up

(c) Cheer up

(d) Shut up

3. Why was the Indian friend plunged in despair?

(a) He was hopeless

(b) He experienced racial descrimination

(c) He would never be so happy again

(d) He had spend lot of money

4. What does 'but in me the Englishman came out strong' imply?

(a) He was strong Englishman

(b) He had the typical English character

(c) The Englishman went out of him

(d) He started following Indian traditions

5. What is the author's intension in the passage?

(a) To contrast the Indian character with the English character

(b) To show that an Indian is sorrowful

(c) To ridicule the Indian traditions

(d) To praise the Englishman


 Passage -5

One day a wolf found a sheepskin. He covered himself with the sheepskin and got into a flock of sheep grazing in a field. He thought, "the shepherd will shut the sheep in the pen after sunset. At night I will run away with a fat sheep and eat it".

All went well till the shepherd shut the sheep in the pen and left. The wolf waited patiently for the night to advance and grow darker. but then an unexpected thing happened. one of the servants of the shepherd entered the pen. His master had sent him to bring a fat sheep for supper. As luck would have it, The servant picked up the wolf dressed in the sheepskin. That night the shepherd and his guests had wolf for supper.   


Passage / Solved paper- 2019 / new St. Mery English School

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 Passage - 1

Chewing gum was discovered a thousand years ago by the Mayans in the Mexican jungles. They found a liquid leaking from a sapodilla tree. As it oozed out, it thickened in to something that they called chicle which was chewable and tasty. Today, workers called chicleros still collect chicle. The chicle is boiled to remove the water. It is then made into slabs about 30 pounds each or 14 kilogram each. These slabs are sent to gum factories. There it is mixed with several ingredients to sweeten, soften, flavour and colour the gum.

1. ________ discovered chewing gum.

(a) The Mayans



(d) Gum factories

2. ________ are the workers who collect chicle.

(a) sapodillas

(b)The Mayans

(c) Chiclores


3. slabs of chicle are sent to

(a) recycling centers

(b) gum factories

(c)The mexican jungles

(d)candy stores

4. several ingredients are added to chicle to do all of the following except to ________ it

(a) soften

(b) flavour

(c) thicken

(d) sweeten

5. A suitable title for the passage will be

(a) the gum

(b) chiclero

(c) The story of chiclero

(d) The story of chewing gum

Leaking:- रिसना

Sapodilla:- चीकू

Ooze:- टपकना

Chicle-gum like substance from the sapodilla:- 

Chewable:- चबाने योग्य


Ingrediant:- सामग्री

 Passage -2

India is a land of pilgrims and pilgrimages. These holy places, whether in the hills or in the plains, are generally situated on river banks or by the sea. It is not only the religious people who visit  these places of pilgrimages, but also travellers and sight-seers from all over India and abroad. wherever two or more rivers meet, pilgrims come to bathe and worship because that place is supposed to be holy. One such place is Haridwar which is situated on the bank of river Ganga.

1- Holy places are  visited by religious people , sight-seers as well as ___________.

(a) children

(b) travellers

(c) traders

(d) voyagers 

2- Which one of the following is a synonym of the word ' generally'





3- The place is considered 'holy' where two or more rivers meet.

Here the antonym of the word 'holy' is

(a) godly

(b) religious

(c) cursed


4-People come to bath and worship in the ganga as its water is

(a) holy

(b) clear and clean

(c) cool

(d) healthy

5- People go on a pilgrimage because they are

(a) curious

(b) religious

(c) explorerx

(d) old

Pilgrimage:- तीर्थस्थान

Whether:-कि  , चाहे 

Abroad:- विदेशी

Visit:- देखना

Whenever:- जहाँ कहीं भी

Eventually:- अंत में

Occasionally:- कभी  कभी

Publically:-सार्वजानिक रूप से 

Usually:- अक्सर


Godly:- दैविये

Curious:- अनोखा

Explores:-खोज करना 

 Passage -3

It was Ajit's birthday. All his friends and relatives had gathered. He received many gifts. There were books, toys and clothes. Ajit's aunt gave him a surprise gift- a rose sapling. Ajit liked his aunt's gift the best and at once ran to the garden and planted the sapling. Ajit watered the plant everyday. As soon as he woke up in the morning, he would rush to see how much the plant had grown. One day he saw two little rose buds peeping out. He kept watching the buds bloom into beautiful yellow roses. He was happy and thrilled. With his mother's help he plucked the flowers. He gifted the first two roses to his mother and sister. Ajit decided to plant more saplings in his garden.

1. Ajit's best birthday gift was

(a) race car

(b) shirt

(c) rose sapling

(d) book

2. As soon as Ajit woke up he

(a) started studying

(b) rushed to see the sapling

(c) had a bath

(d)went to school

3. How many rose buds appeared first

(a) one

(b) four

(c) two

(d) many

4. Ajit gifted the first two roses to

(a) his friends

(b)his aunt

(c) his mother and sister

(d)his mother and aunt

5. The word 'thrilled' means

(a) sad

(b) excited

(c) afraid


1. relative - संबंधी

2. gathered - इक्कट्ठा होना

3. receive - प्राप्त करना 

4. surprise -  चकित करना

5. sapling - छोटा पौधा

6. At once - तुरंत

7. soon - जल्दी

8. rush - तेजी से भागना

9. bud - काली

10. peep - झांकना

11. bloom - खिलना

12. thrill - रोमांचित करना

13. pluck - तोड़ना

14. decide - तय करना 

 Passage -4

The neem tree is known as a village pharmacy due to the medicinal benefits of its seeds, bark and leaves. It is called arista in sanskrit which means perfect, imperishable and complete. Neem oil plays an important role in pest control and can also be used as a replacement for mosquito repellent. Neem seed cakes are used as fertilizer. A paste of neem leaves is used to treat chicken pox . Neem twigs commonly referred to as 'datun' are used as toothbrushes in villages. The bark and roots are also used in powdered form, to control fleas and ticks on pets.

1:- A pharmacy is

(a) farm land

(b) A medical store

(c) A playground

(d) A farm house

2:-The part of the neem tree that is useful to the farmers is

(a) seeds

(b) bark

(c) twigs

(d) leaves

3:- Which one of the following is not a synonym of perfect?

(a) faultless



(d) blemished

4:- The word 'pest' in the passage means

(a) An insect that destroys crops

(b) An angry person

(c) dirty water

(d) pollution

5:-Neem _______ are used as toothbrushes in villages

(a) roots

(b) leaves

(c) twigs

(d) seed cakes

Pharmacy:- औषधालय

Medicinal:- औषधय

Benefits:- फायदा 

Bark:- वृक्ष की छाल

Perfect:- परिपूर्ण

Imperishable:- स्थायी

Replacement:- बदलाब

Repellent:- निरोधक

Fertilizer:- खाद

Treat:- इलाज करना

Chicken pox:- चेचक

Twigs:- टहनी

Referred:- सबंध

Fleas:- विस्सू

Ticks:- टिक

Faultness:- दोषरहित

Flawless:- निर्दोष

Seamless:- झूरी रहित

Blemished:- कलंकित

Pollution:- प्रदुषण









Passage / Solved paper- 2020 / new St. Mery English School

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Passage - 1

 Travelling is both recreational and educative. It has always been regarded as an important part of education. In Europe a young man is considered Fully educated only when he has travelled through many countries of Europe. In ancient India also, our sages understood the great value of travelling. They made it a pious duty to visit various pilgrim centres situated in different parts of India. This encouraged the feeling of oneness among Indians.

1. It is important to ________ if one wants to get real education.

a- study

b- work

c- travel

d- medicate

2. Which one of the following words is a synonyms of "recreational"?

a- educational

b- thrilling

c- tiring

d- sight-seeing

3. Visiting the ________ centres was considered holy in ancient India.

a- training

b- pilgrim

c- city

d- business

4. People have a feeling of oneness with others if they ________ a lot.

a- travel 

b- talk

c- play 

d- question

5. A sage i a person who is _________

a- learned

b- smart

c- free

d- wicked

1. Recreational:- मनोरंजनात्मक

2. Educative:- शिक्षाप्रद

3. Regarded:- माना

4. Considered:- सुविचारित

5. Ancient:- प्राचीन

6. Sages:- ऋषि मुनि

7. Understand:- समझना

8. Value:- महत्व

9. Pious:- धर्मनिष्ठ

10. Pilgrim:- तीर्थयात्रा

11. Situated:- स्थित

12. Encourage:- उत्साहित करना

13. Oneness:- अपनापन, एकता

14. Thrilling:- रोमांचक

15. Tiring:- थका हुआ

16. Sight-seeing:- दर्शनीय स्थलो की सैर

17. Holy:- पवित्र

Passage - 2

 Fire is to blame for the loss of countless lives and billions of rupees each and every year. firefighters help protect people and their property from the injury and damage. They put their lives on the line every time they respond to a call. 

While on duty, firefighters must be ready to respond in a matter of minutes to just about any disaster that may occur. At every fire scene, a superior fire officer takes command and directs the jobs of all the people at the scene. Some firemen connect the hose lines to hydrants. Other manually operate the pumps to send water to the hoses. Teams of firefighters also operate ladders used to reach distances high in the air.

1. Which is not true bout the firefighters?

a- They are brave

b- They often put their lives in danger

c- They never put their lives in danger

d- They are highly trained

2. A firefighter has to prepare to extinguish a fire in 

a- minutes 


c- days

d- weeks

3. Firefighters put their lives on the line means

a- They stand in a line

b- They fight fire

c- They put their lives in danger

d- They connect the hose line to hydrant

4. To 'operate manually' means to

a- make a man work

b- work with their hands

c- use a machine

d- use one's body

5. The work 'occur' means the same as

a- come

b- happen

c- call

d- fire


1- Blame:- दोस लगाना

2- Countless:- अनगिनत

3- Injury:- चोट

4- Respond:- उत्तर देना

5- Minutes:- लिखित ब्योरा

6- Disaster:-दुर्घटना 

7- Hose:- पाइप

8- Hydrant:- पानी का नल

9- Manually:- हस्तचालन से

Passage - 3

 Hema lay on her bed staring at the stars stuck on the ceiling of her room. She was upset as none of the clothes seemed to fit her. She wore them again one by one but they were either too tight or too short. A cupboard full of clothes and she could not wear any of them. She then had a bright idea, her eyes lit up and she ran to her mother's room. " ma, I need new clothes," she said, " but only after i donate all my old clothes to charity. No more amassing of clothes". Her mother smiled and hugged her. She did have a kind daughter.

1. Hema lay on her bed because she

(a) was tired

(b) liked looking at the stars

(c) was wondering what to wear

(d) was a lazy girl

2. She could not wear any her of clothes because

(a) They were not fashionable 

(b) They were toocolourful

(c) She did not know what to choose

(d)non of them fitted her

3.The synonym of the word, 'amassing' is

(a) collecting

(b) distributing

(c) sharing

(d) gifting 

4. Hema is

(a) greedy 


(c) selfish

(d) miserly

5. The opposite of the word 'donate' is

(a) give 

(b) receive

(c) distribute

(d) spend

Staring:- एक टक  देखना

Stuck:- चिपकाना

ceiling:-भीतरी छत 

Lit up:- चमकना

Charity:- दान

Amassing:-जमा करना 

Passage - 4

 To be fit and healthy, You need to be physically active. Regular physical activity protects you from serious diseases such as obesity, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, diabetes and arthritis. Riding a bicycle regularly is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of healthy problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Cycling is a healthy, low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to older adults. It is also fun, cheap and good for the environment. Riding to work or the shop is one of the most time-efficient ways to combine regular exercise with everyday routine. An estimated one billion people ride bicycles every day for transport, recreation and sports. cycling is a good way to reduce weight as it builds muscle and burns body fat. Research suggests that by cycling for half an hour everyday we can shed at least five kilos of weight in a year .

1. The main focus of the passage is to tell us the advantages of

(a) keeping fit



(d) reducing weight

2. When the writer says " cycling is good for the environment" , Which of the following is not correct.

(a) It does not emit any unhealthy gas

(b)It can be run without petrol or diesel

(c)It does not pollute air

(d) It can be ridden by all age groups

3. The word which means the opposite of the word ' sedentary ' is

(a) active

(b) lazy

(c) inactive

(d)  deskbound

4. A low impact exercise is one which is

(a) not tiring

(b) not costly

(c) not efficient

(d) not boring

5. Regular cycling helps us in all of the following except to

(a) reduce fat and strengthen muscles 

(b) combine fun with work

(c) prevent serious accident

(d) remain healthy


Physically:- शारीरिक

Serious:- गंभीर

Obesity:- मोटापा

Diabetes:- मधुमेह

Arthritis:- गठिया रोग

Associated:- सम्बंधित

Sedentary:-अधिक बैठा रहने बाला 

Low impact:- कम असर

Cheap:- सस्ता

Estimated:- अंदाजा लगाना



Math test paper 

1- What is the difference between the greatest 7-digit number and the smallest 4-digit number?

2- What will be the difference between the greatest 6-digit number and the greatest 5-digit number?

3- Which of the following is not equal to 25?

4- The value of x which makes the following statement true is (

5-The sum of HCF and LCM of 45, 60 and 75 is

6- 3/8÷(5/3-1/6)+5/8 is equal to

7- If 15 - 15÷15×6=x, then the value of x is 

8- The value of of 0.9÷(0.3 × 0.3)is

9- If the number B is 10% less  than another number C and C is 5% more than the 150, then B is equal to

10- 5% of 10% of 175 grams is equal to

11- Find the approximate result of the following expression (in whole number) 49.6 × 102 - 7.1 × 29.7 - 5.4 × 20.1

12- A park is 1500 m long and 750 m wide. A cyclist has to take four rounds of this park. How much time will he taken at the speed of 4.5 km/h?

13- One-fourth of birds of a flock are at a river bank and one-fifth of that flock are in their nest. Remaining 22 birds are wandering in search of food. What is the number of birds which are in their nest?

14- Amit bought a table for Rs 1200 and spent Rs 200 on its repair. He sold it for Rs 1680. His profit or loss percent is

15- A square and a rectangle have the same perimeter. If the side of square is 16 m and the length of the rectangle is 18 m, the breadth of rectangle is 

16- How many bricks will be required for a wall 8 m long, 6 m high and 22.5 cm thick, if each brick measures 25cm × 11.25cm × 6cm?

17- We reached our destination at 2:45 pm after after travelling for..... when did we start?

18- The prime factorisation of 640 is

19- In how many years does the sum of Rs 1200 become Rs 1800 at the rate of simple interest of 5% per annum?

20- 140.75 × 0.01 is equal to



Passage for Navodaya / solved papers / New St. Mery English School

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1:- solved paper 2020 / new St. Mery English School