Passage / Solved paper- 2019 / new St. Mery English School

 Passage - 1

Chewing gum was discovered a thousand years ago by the Mayans in the Mexican jungles. They found a liquid leaking from a sapodilla tree. As it oozed out, it thickened in to something that they called chicle which was chewable and tasty. Today, workers called chicleros still collect chicle. The chicle is boiled to remove the water. It is then made into slabs about 30 pounds each or 14 kilogram each. These slabs are sent to gum factories. There it is mixed with several ingredients to sweeten, soften, flavour and colour the gum.

1. ________ discovered chewing gum.

(a) The Mayans



(d) Gum factories

2. ________ are the workers who collect chicle.

(a) sapodillas

(b)The Mayans

(c) Chiclores


3. slabs of chicle are sent to

(a) recycling centers

(b) gum factories

(c)The mexican jungles

(d)candy stores

4. several ingredients are added to chicle to do all of the following except to ________ it

(a) soften

(b) flavour

(c) thicken

(d) sweeten

5. A suitable title for the passage will be

(a) the gum

(b) chiclero

(c) The story of chiclero

(d) The story of chewing gum

Leaking:- रिसना

Sapodilla:- चीकू

Ooze:- टपकना

Chicle-gum like substance from the sapodilla:- 

Chewable:- चबाने योग्य


Ingrediant:- सामग्री

 Passage -2

India is a land of pilgrims and pilgrimages. These holy places, whether in the hills or in the plains, are generally situated on river banks or by the sea. It is not only the religious people who visit  these places of pilgrimages, but also travellers and sight-seers from all over India and abroad. wherever two or more rivers meet, pilgrims come to bathe and worship because that place is supposed to be holy. One such place is Haridwar which is situated on the bank of river Ganga.

1- Holy places are  visited by religious people , sight-seers as well as ___________.

(a) children

(b) travellers

(c) traders

(d) voyagers 

2- Which one of the following is a synonym of the word ' generally'





3- The place is considered 'holy' where two or more rivers meet.

Here the antonym of the word 'holy' is

(a) godly

(b) religious

(c) cursed


4-People come to bath and worship in the ganga as its water is

(a) holy

(b) clear and clean

(c) cool

(d) healthy

5- People go on a pilgrimage because they are

(a) curious

(b) religious

(c) explorerx

(d) old

Pilgrimage:- तीर्थस्थान

Whether:-कि  , चाहे 

Abroad:- विदेशी

Visit:- देखना

Whenever:- जहाँ कहीं भी

Eventually:- अंत में

Occasionally:- कभी  कभी

Publically:-सार्वजानिक रूप से 

Usually:- अक्सर


Godly:- दैविये

Curious:- अनोखा

Explores:-खोज करना 

 Passage -3

It was Ajit's birthday. All his friends and relatives had gathered. He received many gifts. There were books, toys and clothes. Ajit's aunt gave him a surprise gift- a rose sapling. Ajit liked his aunt's gift the best and at once ran to the garden and planted the sapling. Ajit watered the plant everyday. As soon as he woke up in the morning, he would rush to see how much the plant had grown. One day he saw two little rose buds peeping out. He kept watching the buds bloom into beautiful yellow roses. He was happy and thrilled. With his mother's help he plucked the flowers. He gifted the first two roses to his mother and sister. Ajit decided to plant more saplings in his garden.

1. Ajit's best birthday gift was

(a) race car

(b) shirt

(c) rose sapling

(d) book

2. As soon as Ajit woke up he

(a) started studying

(b) rushed to see the sapling

(c) had a bath

(d)went to school

3. How many rose buds appeared first

(a) one

(b) four

(c) two

(d) many

4. Ajit gifted the first two roses to

(a) his friends

(b)his aunt

(c) his mother and sister

(d)his mother and aunt

5. The word 'thrilled' means

(a) sad

(b) excited

(c) afraid


1. relative - संबंधी

2. gathered - इक्कट्ठा होना

3. receive - प्राप्त करना 

4. surprise -  चकित करना

5. sapling - छोटा पौधा

6. At once - तुरंत

7. soon - जल्दी

8. rush - तेजी से भागना

9. bud - काली

10. peep - झांकना

11. bloom - खिलना

12. thrill - रोमांचित करना

13. pluck - तोड़ना

14. decide - तय करना 

 Passage -4

The neem tree is known as a village pharmacy due to the medicinal benefits of its seeds, bark and leaves. It is called arista in sanskrit which means perfect, imperishable and complete. Neem oil plays an important role in pest control and can also be used as a replacement for mosquito repellent. Neem seed cakes are used as fertilizer. A paste of neem leaves is used to treat chicken pox . Neem twigs commonly referred to as 'datun' are used as toothbrushes in villages. The bark and roots are also used in powdered form, to control fleas and ticks on pets.

1:- A pharmacy is

(a) farm land

(b) A medical store

(c) A playground

(d) A farm house

2:-The part of the neem tree that is useful to the farmers is

(a) seeds

(b) bark

(c) twigs

(d) leaves

3:- Which one of the following is not a synonym of perfect?

(a) faultless



(d) blemished

4:- The word 'pest' in the passage means

(a) An insect that destroys crops

(b) An angry person

(c) dirty water

(d) pollution

5:-Neem _______ are used as toothbrushes in villages

(a) roots

(b) leaves

(c) twigs

(d) seed cakes

Pharmacy:- औषधालय

Medicinal:- औषधय

Benefits:- फायदा 

Bark:- वृक्ष की छाल

Perfect:- परिपूर्ण

Imperishable:- स्थायी

Replacement:- बदलाब

Repellent:- निरोधक

Fertilizer:- खाद

Treat:- इलाज करना

Chicken pox:- चेचक

Twigs:- टहनी

Referred:- सबंध

Fleas:- विस्सू

Ticks:- टिक

Faultness:- दोषरहित

Flawless:- निर्दोष

Seamless:- झूरी रहित

Blemished:- कलंकित

Pollution:- प्रदुषण








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