Passage 1
Pinky was walking through  forest. He had a bag of mangoes  .after sometime he felt tired  .he took shelter under  a tree and soon fell asleep. After  a while, he felt  that someone  was trying to  snatch his bag of  mangoes. He woke up and  caught the person  .it was a witch who tried  to frighten pinky and ran away. But  pinky was  strong and brave  .he chased the  witch and caught her. The witch removed  her  mask. She told  pinky that  she was a  poor and  old widow. She had  nobody  to look after her. Therefore,she used to  live in the forest  .she used to wear mask to frighten people and  take away their  belongings. Pinky  took pity on her  and  gave her the bag of mangoes. 
Passage- 2
Graham Bell was born at Edinborough Scotland . He was teacher and was dedicated to the noble cause of teaching the deaf and dumb . Due to severe illness, bell was sent to Canada in 1870. Thereafter he should shifted to the USA. He continued his work by opening a school for deaf and dumb. Bell was fond of scientific inventions. He was always engaged in making some machines in his spare time. Apart from being an artist he was a kind human being. He died in 1922 in Canada. The entire northern and America paid him a tribute by hanging  up their telephone during his funeral. 
There was a poor  man. He was though to bring bad luck. Akbar heard of this man's reputation and wanted to see him. He was brought to Akbar. The emperor t took a look at him and asked him to be brought back in the evening. That day Akbar was very busy and even forgot to eat. By the evening he was very tired. He was informed that human son prince Salim had fallen I'll. Was that man's fault, Akbar decided. He  called him courtiers and told them that he wanted to hang that man. All of them agreed immediately. but normal said, "your face was the first face that man saw today and he has to die because of it. "Akbar reajisad him mistake and rewarded biirbal for his wisdom 
Passage - 4
An old woman lived in a village with her youngest son. Her eldest son was a government servant. He lived with his wife and children in a far away city. Her second son had left home years ago. He was a merchant and travelled all over the world. The yearly  festival was apreaching fast. The old woman was sending out gifts to everyone. The store room was packed with silk fabric, bowls full of sweet gold. Ornaments and toys. When she had an her son what gift he would like to have. He replied that he didn't want any gift. He just wanted to live with he

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